There’s no denying that our collective mobile phone and tablet usage has skyrocketed in recent years and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. The smartphone is undeniably the technology of the last decade and has changed the way we communicate, shop, research, and navigate forever. The influence of these devices is far-reaching and probably exceed most people’s expectations. In this article, we’ll illustrate how the ramifications of our phone and tablet usage. 
Let’s begin with some general mobile phone usage statistics. As of 2019, over 5 billion people around the world own a mobile device, and 3.2 billion people own a smartphone. Not only are many of us now in possession of a miniature computer in our pockets, but we also use them very frequently. In fact, studies suggest that the average user checks their phone 63 times every day, and 69% of us check our phones as soon as we wake up. Perhaps most intriguing is the fact that 55% of us check our smartphones during a meal. Smartphones have become an integral part of our day-to-day routines and we’re often unconscious of just how regularly we use them. 
Smartphone usage, when broken down by generation, is even more striking. 78% of teenagers have access to a mobile device, and 71% of teens watch 3+ hours of video online each day. It’s not just youngsters who are embracing smart tech; since 2008, the proportion of adults over 65 who shop online has increased from 16% to 48%
Now we’ve established how prolific smartphone usage is, let’s discuss how wide-reaching the effects of regular smartphone use are. 

The Internet

The internet has always been popular since personal computers became mainstream. However, the way we use the internet has changed significantly in the past decade, since the advent of the first iPhone and web browsing. The internet, especially search engines, has become our go-to source of information of all kinds – news, TV, articles, social interactions and shopping. Although desktop surfing is still popular, over the last few years the internet has become predominantly mobile, with 62% of internet users across the globe surfing the web on a mobile device. In terms of data, mobile web browsing comes to just over 30 exabytes per month (1 exabyte is equivalent to 1 billion gigabytes!), and this is expected to more than double by 2022. 


Shopping has also seen a huge change in recent years due to the increase in smartphones. Online shopping was the first wave, with fashion fanatics and gadget lovers able to instantly buy products online without even needing to leave their sofas. Now we can shop easily with our smartphones, with one-click purchasing commonplace. Even when we’re physically shopping in-store, an estimated 82% of us consult our smartphones to inform our purchasing decisions. 
According to Google, over 40% of online transactions are performed on mobile devices, and it’s likely to rise. Shopping on a smartphone can also speed up the buying process – intuitive design and features like “one-click” ordering on Amazon allow us to make our purchases 20% faster than before. 


In a similar vein, smartphones have changed the face of advertising. Our increased smartphone usage means that the content we’re exposed to has a greater influence on our buying decisions and the brands that we develop trust for.  
Mobile advertising has vastly overtaken advertising aimed at desktop users, reaching almost 80% of all digital advertising expenditure by companies in the US. In fact, 87% of Facebook’s advertising revenue comes from adverts aimed at mobile device users. Traditional marketing methods that worked for decades have had to be adapted to recent trends in smartphone usage. A person viewing an advert now isn’t sat in front of a TV waiting for their show to resume, instead they’re most likely to be scrolling through their phone, with every app, social media post and news story vying for attention. 

A New Accessory

Smartphones and tablets have become something of a fashion statement themselves, and the myriad of cases, skins, and other accessories are making them an increasingly large part of our personal lifestyles. A particular phone with a certain case is as much of an accessory as a watch or pair of shoes. They’ve gone beyond being purely functional. We’re embracing smartphones as a culture, and this will only mean better and more aesthetically appealing devices that seamlessly blend with our day-to-day lives. 

The Future 

The boom of mobile device usage is exciting but far from over. All predictions point towards mobile phone usage continuing to increase across the world. It is estimated that the number of mobile phone owners worldwide will rise to over 7.3 billion. Additionally, by 2025, 72% of internet users are expected to browse the web solely using mobile devices. The mobile revolution has happened and it’s here to stay. 
In the UK, our favourite smartphones tend to be iPhones, with Apple having over 50% market share. We’re rather pleased about this statistic because many of our SLYK products are designed with iPhones and iPads in mind. Our Pillow Stand, for example, transforms any pillow or cushion into an ergonomic stand. It’s an excellent accessory for your favourite mobile devices, allowing for comfortable web browsing around your home. 
Smartphones and tablets are everywhere, but we feel that our homes haven’t caught up and adapted accordingly. This is where our device stands come in, bridging the gap between high-end tech and traditional home comforts. Our Floor Stand is the ultimate accessory for using your tablet in bed or on the sofa, ergonomically designed for comfortable use without ruining your posture. For more tech solutions, check out our product range now. For more tech news, stay tuned to our blog which we update regularly with the latest news and advice from the world of tech.